n. (context Slavic mythology English) A male woodland spirit in Slavic mythology who protects wild animals and forests
The Leshy (; literally, "[he] from the forest") is the tutelary spirit of the forests in Slavic folklore. The plural form in Russian can be transliterated leshiye (with accent on the vowel after the l).
Leshiye are masculine and humanoid in shape, are able to assume any likeness and can change in size and height.Maksimov, S. V. (1912) Нечистая сила. Неведомая сила // Собрание сочинений [The Unclean Force, The Unknown Force, Collected Works]. pp. 79-80. In some accounts, the leshy is described as having a wife (leshachikha/leszachka/lesovikha) and children (leshonki/leszonky''). Because of his propensity to lead travelers astray and abduct children, which he shares with Chort, or "The Black One," the Leshy is believed by some to be evil. Others view him as more of a temperamental being like a fairy.