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LesGaiCineMad Madrid International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival is a LGTB Film Festival in seen in Spanish Speaking countries. The inaugural edition was held in 1996. With an estimated audience of more than 14,000 spectators, it is a well attended festival by members of the Community of Madrid and is covered by the Spanish Press in San Sebastian and Malaga.

LesGaiCineMad has a Digital Catalogue of more than 3,000 independent movies that is the major archive of films on affective diversity subject in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries.

LesGaiCineMad created and leads the CineLGBT Network that is the most important network of LGTB Film Festivals in Spanish Speaking countries who involves more than 30 Festivals from Latin America and Spain. These festivals receive support and economic aid through the network to be able to organize their own film festivals in places as Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, etc.

Because of the work of discovering, subtitling and premiere of Spanish Speaking productions that LesGaiCineMad have done in this 14 years, we can assert that it has become the natural exhibition place for the Spanish and Latin-American productions and the place where distributors, buyers, producers and programmers for International LGTB Film Festivals can find new LGBT contents.