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Leontopolis was an Ancient Egyptian city located in the Nile Delta, Lower Egypt. It served as a provincial capital and Metropolitan Archbishopric, which remains a Latin Catholic titular see. The archaeological site and settlement are known today as Kafr Al Muqdam.

Leontopolis (disambiguation)

Leontopolis may refer to:

  • Leontopolis, capital of the 11th nome of Lower Egypt
  • Leontopolis (Heliopolis), a city of the 13th nome of Lower Egypt

Leontopolis may also refer to:

  • Bizana, Turkey, in eastern Anatolia
  • Isaura Nova, in Isauria, Turkey
  • Nicephorium, in Syria
  • Zaliches, near Sinop
Leontopolis (Heliopolis)

Leontopolis ( Egyptian: Ney-ta-hut) is the Greek name for the modern area of Tell el Yehudiye or Tell el-Yahudiya (Arabic: Mound of the Jews). It was an ancient city of Egypt in the 13th nome of Lower Egypt (the Heliopolite Nome), on the Pelusiac branch of the Nile.

This site is known for its distinctive pottery known as Tell el-Yahudiyeh Ware.

See also; Tahuti