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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Lentil shell

Lentil \Len"til\ (l[e^]n"t[i^]l), n. [F. lentille, fr. L. lenticula, dim. of lens, lentis, lentil. Cf. Lens.] (Bot.) A leguminous plant of the genus Ervum ( Ervum Lens), of small size, common in the fields in Europe. Also, its seed, which is used for food on the continent.

Note: The lentil of the Scriptures probably included several other vetchlike plants.

Lentil shell (Zo["o]l.), a small bivalve shell of the genus Ervillia, family Tellinid[ae].

lentil shell

n. A small bivalve shell of the genus ''Ervillia''.