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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Lenticula \Len*tic"u*la\ (l[e^]n*t[i^]k"[-u]*l[.a]), n.; pl. E. Lenticulas (-l[.a]z), L. Lenticul[ae] (-l[=e]). [L. See Lenticel.]

  1. (Med.) A kind of eruption upon the skin; lentigo; freckle.

  2. (Opt.) A lens of small size.

  3. (Bot.) A lenticel.


n. 1 (context medicine English) A kind of eruption upon the skin; lentigo; freckle. 2 A small lens. 3 (context botany English) A lenticel.

Usage examples of "lenticula".

The khaki body-camouflage from their last campaign in the dust-thick heatlands of Providence Lenticula had been painted over with leopard-pelt speckles of grey and blue on white.

Mahnmut used sonar and EPS to check the lenticulae and navigation leads still some eight thousand meters above him.