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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
crosswise/lengthwise etc
▪ Slice each banana lengthwise.
▪ Opening the brown skin with his fingernail, Mitchell peeled a plantain and sliced the dry-smelling fruit lengthwise into strips.
▪ Peel the ginger, slice thinly with the grain, and cut the slices lengthwise into thin shreds.
▪ She cut lengthwise along the arm and missed the main arteries.
▪ Slice each eggplant lengthwise twice from blossom end almost to stem end, making 4 finger-like slices attached at base.
▪ Split potato in half lengthwise with a fork.
▪ The sections were divided lengthwise into 10 µm segments, and the grade of injury was determined for each segment.
▪ The strip of mahogany has the grain running lengthwise.
▪ Use scissors to cut the carnation stem lengthwise into three.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Lengthways \Length"ways`\ (-w[=a]z`), Lengthwise \Length"wise`\ (-w[imac]z`), adv. In the direction of the length; running or extending in the direction of the length of a thing; in a longitudinal direction. Contrasted with crosswise.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1570s, from length + wise (n.). As an adjective by 1871.


a. In the long direction of an oblong object. adv. In the long direction of an oblong object.

  1. adj. running or extending in the direction of the length of a thing; "the lengthwise dimension" [syn: lengthways] [ant: crosswise]

  2. adv. in the direction of the length; "He cut the paper lengthwise" [syn: lengthways, longwise, longways, longitudinally]

Usage examples of "lengthwise".

If the beans are large, cut in halves lengthwise and the halves crosswise.

Cover with mayonnaise dressing or Sauce Tartare, and surround with lengthwise quarters of hard-boiled eggs.

Peel and slice two bananas, and cut in halves lengthwise one cup of strawberries.

Press into the spinach on each round of bread a quarter of a hard-boiled egg cut lengthwise, having the yolk uppermost.

Detach the small fillets, then cut each side into two or three lengthwise slices the size of the small fillets.

Inside, an earthen passage ran lengthwise from the front to the back door.

Cat put the letter inside the second sheet, which she folded lengthwise until both formed a narrow strip.

She figured the room took up about 30 feet lengthwise by 15 feet wide, with a wide entrance from the newsroom, thus probably allowing enough room for everyone.

The whole White House complex seemed to extend lengthwise to the east and west, surrounded by trees and an elliptical driveway to the south.

Take three dozen lemons and quarter them lengthwise, leaving enough at the stalk end so the quarters are still joined.

Cut in half lengthwise and toss with the cornstarch, egg white, and wine.

Each half of the spinal cord is divided lengthwise into three nearly equal parts, which are termed the anterior, lateral, and posterior columns, by the lines which join together two parallel series of bundles of nervous filaments, which compose the roots of the spinal nerves.

Then cut in quarters lengthwise, and then in thin slices, letting them drop into a stewpan containing melted butter, salt and paprika.

Lay pattern flat on smooth side of buckram, lengthwise of the material to take advantage of the natural roll.

Fold this velvet through center lengthwise and stick pins every three inches through edge of fold at right angles to edge and close to edge.