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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A legless beggar pulled himself along through the slush on wooden slats.
▪ I was more than once surprised to see men going into those rooms, paying visits to the legless men.
▪ Mr Ridley appeared against the surreal backdrop of a vast headless, legless belly floating over his shoulder from the bench behind.
▪ The shadow his mind made legless lurched against the wall, glass raised.
▪ They'd gone from legless to stone cold sober in nothing flat.
▪ They were barely humanoid, with bodies that dwindled from wide torsos to legless, conical abdomens.
▪ Watch a legless man in a wheelchair completing the London Marathon and we cry, or at least I do.
▪ We ran out of crisps and conversation and were growing increasingly legless and puzzled.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Legless \Leg"less\ (l[e^]g"l[e^]s), a. Not having a leg.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1590s, from leg (n.) + -less. Related: Leglessly; leglessness.


a. 1 Without legs. 2 (context slang English) Too drunk to stand.


adj. not having legs; "a legless man in a wheelchair" [ant: legged]


Usage examples of "legless".

The Dogman, a legless beggar who had come by his nickname because he lapped water from the River Cerne like a dog, was heaving down South Street on the wooden bricks strapped to his hands.

Many pots of various sizes were ranged about the room, yet none stood upon the small, legless platform which was positioned beneath the wide window in the left wall.

A third of the rarest moths of the collection for the man of India were antennaless, legless, wingless, and often headless.

Noah, the tattooed man, shared the trailer with Zippo and Ajax the Legless Wonder.

But the creature had pivoted around and was scampering for its burrow with tremendous speed, moving on its belly like one of those legless spiny wrigglers we had seen a little while before.

The legless Quebecker Wheelchair Assassins, although legless and confined to wheelchairs, nevertheless contrive to have situated large reflective devices across odd-numbered United States highways for the purpose of disorienting and endangering northbound Americans, to have disrupted pipelines between processing points in the eastern Reconfiguration's annular fusion grid, have been linked to attempts at systemic damage of the federally contracted Empire Waste Displacement's launch and reception facilities on both sides of the Reconfigured intracontinental border, and, perhaps most infamously, derive their cell's own sobriquet in the vox populi "Wheelchair Assassins" from the active practice of assassinating prominent Cana dian officials who support or even tolerate what they the A.

The Dendi life-plasma was based on silicon instead of carbon, true, but did not vertebrates—appendaged vertebrates, at that, such as we and the Dendi—have infinitely more in common, in spite of a minor biochemical difference or two, than vertebrates and legless, armless, slime-crawling creatures who happened, quite accidentally, to possess an identical organic substance?

The intense heat of the energy bolt had instantly cauterized her wounds, but she was legless from her thighs down and continued screaming, writhing on the floor in agony.

The legless man jerked back the brake bar, put the automatic transmission in neutral.

Without changing tone, Strimbello then described what had happened afterward, and pointed out the two legless, armless figures worming along the stairs several paces behind the armored phantom.

Marilee wrote long descriptions of breadlines for all the people who had been put out of work by the Depression, and of men in nice suits who obviously used to have money, but who were now selling apples on street corners, and of a legless man on a sort of skateboard, who was a World War One veteran or was pretending to be one, selling pencils in Grand Central Station, and of high-society people thrilled to be hobnobbing with gangsters in speakeasies -- that sort of thing.

He heard the wings of a cardinal and the pebbles moving beneath the crawl of a legless lizard.

If I ride in a car with someone down the Major Deegan Expressway, they always yell, hey looka that, and I always look and ifs always a legless cripple or some drunk lady whose thing is collecting Cardboard flats what it is shes puking into a litter basket, or a cat run over across the head by a sanitation truck.

In that Filthy Herman was a legless man, not one team of policemen had ever had the good sense to call for assistance when arresting him.