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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Legitimately \Le*git"i*mate*ly\ (-m[asl]t*l[y^]), adv. In a legitimate manner; lawfully; genuinely.


adv. In a legitimate manner, properly.

  1. adv. in a manner acceptable to common custom; "you cannot do this legitimately!" [syn: lawfully, licitly] [ant: illegitimately, illegally, illegitimately]

  2. in a lawfully recognized manner; "let's get married so our child can be born legitimately" [ant: illegitimately]

Usage examples of "legitimately".

I thought that perhaps the museum was deaccessioning the painting, and it made sense to me that the Caxtons were among the few collectors with the means to acquire it legitimately.

Crown Prince left no legitimately recognized heir, a Colloquium is summoned by invitation to address the absence of a line of succession to the Throne of the Dark Earth, issued to the Lord and Lady Cymrian, sovereigns of the Alliance to which Sorbold is a sealed ally, as well as rulers of bordering nations, namely His Majesty, King Achmed of Ylorc, Her Majesty, Rhapsody, Queen of Tyrian, Lord Tristan Steward, Regent of Roland, and Viedekam, Administrator of the Nonaligned States as well as representatives of the Church, the Nobility, the Mercantile and the Army, to convene directly after the burial during the Period of Mourning, eleven days hence.

Rhyssa was of two minds on that discretion: she would have liked to sample reactions to their presence and perhaps catch other biases, but now she felt free, legitimately, to catch the prevailing mental climate of the Station.

The whole poetry-loathing world had the face of Dr Wapenshaw but, he felt, having soundly and legitimately bemerded that face in imagination and micturated on it also, the world was content merely to loathe, while Dr Wapenshaw had had to go further, deliberately liquidating the poet.

Some politicians can legitimately claim stupidity as an excuse, but not Carollo.

If such concepts possess, notwithstanding, objective validity, they may be called conceptus ratiocinati (concepts legitimately formed).

You seized this bauble prematurely: you see, FitzRobert cannot be legitimately coronated without this Jewel… or very convincing facsimile of it.

You seized this bauble prematurely: you see, FitzRobert cannot be legitimately coronated without this Jewel .

You siezed this bauble prematurely: you see, FitzRobert cannot be legitimately coronated without this Jewel .

Matthew’s quoted above, but he ultimately said, {87a} “In the literal sense of the word (sic) no doubt natural selection is a false term,” as personifying a fact, making it exercise the conscious choice without which there can be no selection, and generally crediting it with the discharge of functions which can only be ascribed legitimately to living and reasoning beings.

We have not found that you have confessed to or have been convicted of the aforesaid sin or that you are even lightly suspected of it, except that we find that truly and legitimately you are publicly defamed by both good and bad in such a village, town, or Diocese.

There one might legitimately scrape up acquaintance with notables, so as later to be in a favorable position to offer them modest sums for their hand-corrected proofs, typescripts (a surprising number of science-fiction writers still refused to process their words), autographed first editions, or literary curiosa of a marketable sort.

I came back to ask for military support to meet us there to stave off a possible pirate takeover until a colony can be legitimately installed with the appropriate fanfare.

Hiding legitimately acquired money to avoid taxation also qualified as money laundering.

This or that one, passing from the question of a party wall to the constitution of empires, becomes the improvised legislator, so much the more inexhaustible and the more applauded as his flow of words, showered upon his hearers, proves to them that every capacity and every right are naturally and legitimately theirs.