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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Legging \Leg"ging\ (l[e^]g"g[i^]ng), Leggin \Leg"gin\ (l[e^]g"g[i^]n), n. [From Leg.] A cover for the leg, like a long gaiter.


n. legging

Usage examples of "leggin".

It took but a moment to open the proper parfleche and remove his extra leggins, which he immediately carried to his new companion.

These, with the moccasin and leggin invariably worn, the leggin generally in a dozen folds at the ankle, made the war toilet of the intractable Tonto.

Angelo was feverishly finishing up his first leggin, half hitching the string end.

Prew slipped his toe in through the leggin strap and worked it back, not saying anything.

But Ivra was neither so swift nor so skilled, and the leggins were dropped many times from forgetful hands because all her thoughts were gone away following the story.

Yet somehow the leggins got done, and the jacket and trousers got done, and even a little round cap, and all before dusk.

A little girl looking out over a pile of cans saw him, however, and wondered at his warm suit of brown cloth, his leggins, sandals and the cap with wings.

He wore Tonto leggins and moccasins, and a good-sized pair of Mexican spurs jingled at his heels.

Swiftly he pulled the leggins all the way up and bunched the waistband in his right fist.

His slick palm slipped twice, so he wiped it clean on his leggins and tried again.

He had already stripped off his leggins and was busy rubbing the ointment into very sore muscles.

So we cooked our dinner, and as we began to eat, a stranger wearing a tunic and fur leggins came up and asked if he could join us.

In the shadows, the bowman with the furry leggins drew his arrow to his ear and loosed.

His jaunty cap with a tail that wagged as he walked, his short trousers and leggins of buckskin, and his loose shirt-like tunic, drawn in at the waist with a broad belt, gave his strong figure just the dash of wildness suited to the armament with which it was weighted.

The young men appeared in careless array: leggins, short coats, and small caps.