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legal pads

n. (legal pad English)

Usage examples of "legal pads".

Even now, I suspect, he spends the last half hour of each day keeping it constantly up to date on one of his yellow legal pads.

Hunched, pale, her dark hair shoulder-length and haphazard, she was bent over a tumble of books and a stack of legal pads.

He drove to the Hollywood Ranch Market then, grabbed a stack of cardboard cartons, bought manila folders, colored side tabs, yellow legal pads, typing and carbon paper and drove home with them--allowing himself two extra shots of I.

Instead of a party atmosphere and optimistic talk of exciting changes to come, the tone was set by somber-suited lawyers with laptops, heavy briefcases, and legal pads.

Sandy said, not looking up from the shuffle of yellow legal pads and Davina's crisply typed research notes.

A few legal pads and ball point pens that she dissected without finding anything useful about them, then reassembled and replaced them.

They wrote furiously on their legal pads as if they might never again see such a vehicle.

The excitement of conspiracy, she decided: some of their tenderest moments had occurred in the study, working over legal pads .

The excitement of conspiracy, she decided: some of their tenderest moments had occurred in the study, working over legal pads….

There were more signs of work in progress: a cut-off soda can adapted as a pencil holder, pens and pencils scattered over the desk with big yellow legal pads, a couple of hard-copy newspapers folded over and propped up.

Both men began taking copious notes on legal pads, frequently stopping and replaying numerous sections for clarity and understanding.

Late into the night the three of them worked, making little marks on printouts of the oscilloscope and recording them on yellow legal pads.