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legal duty

n. (context legal idiomatic English) A duty prescribed by the law, to act or forbear from acting.

legal duty

n. acts which the law requires be done or forborne

Usage examples of "legal duty".

They only care that you did not report that massacre which was your legal duty, not to mention, if you will, your Christian duty.

He had requested the legal duty after several years at sea, because he wanted to spend time with his beautiful wife, a photographer's model.

Life at the Bar may have its risks, but no legal duty compels me to spend two weeks shut up in a floating hotel with Mr justice Deathshead.

Even so, they have a legal duty to warn people if some major innovation threatens to fundamentally alter our culture, or economy, or world.

In announcing his decision, the judge commented, 'Whatever moral laws this defendant has broken by her failure to call medical assistance for her father, she was under no legal duty to take that action.

I have a moral and a legal duty and obligation to specifically challenge or ignore any law I deem as unconstitutional.

And if we think there's any truth in his story at all, it's our legal duty to report it.

The trooper had a moral and legal duty to stop the seduction, or at least try.