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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Left-handedness \Left"-hand`ed*ness\, Left-handiness \Left"-hand`i*ness\ (-[i^]*n[e^]s), n. The state or quality of being left-handed; awkwardness.

An awkward address, ungraceful attitudes and actions, and a certain left-handiness (if I may use the expression) proclaim low education.


alt. The state of being left-handed. n. The state of being left-handed.


n. preference for using the left hand [syn: sinistrality]

Usage examples of "left-handedness".

Near midnight, in a moment of clarity, he noticed her left-handedness for the first time because of the way she offered him a can of Archaicist-trade beer.

I was driven by the implication built into many of the Indo-European languages of the sinister quality of left-handedness.