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leeward side

n. the side sheltered from the wind [syn: to leeward]

Usage examples of "leeward side".

The flightless rail crept silently into a bush at the sound of Captain Aubrey's heavy-footed gasping approach, but the bare volcanic platform they eventually reached did provide them with a stretch of some thirty miles of white-flecked ocean westwards and on either side, with two separate schools of whales, one to the north, the other to the south, and with a plunging view of the entire leeward side of the island with the stream running dark and troubled into the still turbid lagoon, the white line of the reefs, and foreshortened people walking about on the sand.

Both islets had bays on the leeward side which could be used as anchorages--indeed were by small open fishing boats.

While he was searching for it - the marker had blown away during the last hymn but one -Jack noticed Stephen on the forecastle: he was directing the Worcester's other Papists, her two Jews and the Lascars she had inherited from the Skate to gather quails in baskets and launch them over the leeward side.

He had always felt that it was an officer's absolute duty to know all his men, their watch, rating, abilities, and of course their name and division: he, Vidal and Bonden at length returned to the daylight, filed past the remaining seamen prisoners and so to the leeward side of the quarterdeck where the captured officers stood.

St Paul's is on the leeward side, where the surf is not so wicked unless the wind lies in the west .

St Paul's is on the leeward side, where the surf is not so wicked unless the wind lies in the west.

But that fellow hasn't made up his mind whether to approach us on the windward or leeward side.

There were several other officers on the leeward side and they too watched Stephen's face attentively.

But she may very well be putting into a bay on the north-western side, the leeward side, of Norfolk Island on some official business.

Her leeward side was veiled in a cloud of smoke that drifted across the intervening sea to join the smoke shot out against the wind by the Indiaman’.

He moved out into the sun, to the leeward side of the arbour, so that he should not fumigate Professor Graham.

The officers upon it at once moved over to the leeward side and Broke began the tour with a brass six-pounder in a port by the hances specially made for it.

The weaker crews on the lower deck: for although her twenty-four-pounders could bite hard, sending a ball through two feet of solid oak at seven hundred yards, the Leopard carried her lower gun-ports no higher from the water than the other ships of her class, and if she were brought to action with much of a sea running, they would necessarily be closed on the leeward side, and perhaps on the windward too.