- Give a come-hither look to
- Check out, maybe
- Check out, in a way
- Check out rudely
- Check out creepily
- Watch creepily
- Scrutinize salaciously
- Give a not-good staredown
- Give a creepy look
- Eyeball creepily
- Watch in a lustful way
- Survey salaciously
- Scrutinize impertinently
- Regard in a way
- Look over slyly
- Look over lickerishly
- Look over libidinously
- Give the once over
- Eye maliciously
- Eye luridly
- Come on to
- Check out, perhaps
- Check out like a wolf
- Ogle from afar
- Give the eye to
- View badly?
- Profligately eye
- Eye libidinously
- Eye salaciously
- Eye passionately
- Regard with lust
- Not view innocently
- Not just check out
- Eye lustfully
- Eye up and down
- Examine like a wolf
- Examine as a wolf would
- Check out, in a rude way
- Look upon with lust
- Eye lasciviously
- Give a sly glance
- Eye rudely
- Eye suggestively
- Watch wolfishly
- Give a good staredown (not!)