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leaving out

vb. (present participle of leave out English)

Usage examples of "leaving out".

Xris moved the clothes from the bed to one of the drawers, leaving out the track pants and shirt, which he intended to wear.

For, in proving that God became man by necessity, leaving out what was taken from the Bible, viz.

And leaving out the fact that I'm the one who captured him in the first place.

Where, by leaving out a Vowel to save a Syllable, we form so jarring a Sound, and so difficult to utter, that I have often wondred how it could ever obtain.

Clash of the Titans slid us back to childishness in an awkward (in writing and special effects) retelling of the story of Perseus, leaving out the shower of gold and wasting some masterful British actors as a group of squabbling Olympians.

Even leaving out of the equation the fact that a battle was looming that would likely kill all of them.

Seventy-five to a hundred, leaving out of account the river wall where an escalade is not practical.

Well, leaving out Switzerland, I have seen nothing in that beauty which satisfies the eye and wins the heart to compare with England in spring.