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leaving alone

vb. (present participle of leave alone English)

Usage examples of "leaving alone".

By the second conflict, leaving alone these three satellites was a matter of strategic calculation.

At the former's elbow was a very pretty redhead drinking in his every word, while the latter had come alone, and would be leaving alone for her apartment in Georgetown.

Well nothing but, no there's one twisted, rotting, bent old tree they're leaving alone and that's Cruik-shank, that's the successful survivor.

He'd seriously thought about leaving alone, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

People were coming out of the building, probably from the basement bar Hudson had shown him, about right for closing time, just in twos and threes, nobody leaving alone.

Her smirking pushiness, her need to shove her scrawny body into the middle of every situation, even ones she'd be better off leaving alone.