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lazy eyes

n. (lazy eye English)

Usage examples of "lazy eyes".

He kissed her soundly, then lifted his head, his lazy eyes regarding her possessively.

His lazy eyes never once lighted up when she entered a ball-room, and there were those who knew for a fact that her ladyship spent many lonely days in her beautiful home at Richmond whilst her lord and master absented himself with persistent if unchivalrous regularity.

His lazy eyes weren't becoming accustomed to the dark with their usual speed.

Mr Rensley was by no means a small man, but the lazy eyes looked down at him.

The only sign of life other than the raucous calls of the birds was a tree sloth that looked down with lazy eyes from an overhanging bough.

And dreaming there by the Yukon bank, with lazy eyes blinking at the fire, these sounds and sights of another world would make the hair to rise along his back and stand on end across his shoulders and up his neck, till he whimpered low and suppressedly, or growled softly, and the half-breed cook shouted at him, “.

Then there was Captain Rennie of the marines, a slim and languid young man with deceptively lazy eyes.