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lay of the land

alt. 1 The physical characteristics of the terrain or surrounding natural environment. 2 (context idiomatic English) The trends, feelings, intentions, and other factors influence a strategic, political, or social situation. n. 1 The physical characteristics of the terrain or surrounding natural environment. 2 (context idiomatic English) The trends, feelings, intentions, and other factors influence a strategic, political, or social situation.

Usage examples of "lay of the land".

Since he picks the route, we'll be at even more of a logistical disadvantage than they, but we'll have sheer numbers and the lay of the land.

Although Lori the American college teacher wouldn't have resisted, Bimi of the People knew that it wouldn't do to just zonk out without checking the lay of the land.

In his war-trained mind he supposed that the Prince sought a look at the lay of the land, a quick and covert sortie.

The price was as steep as the lay of the land, but Shawn liked the feel of it.

Meanwhile, we go in quick, get the lay of the land, and split if it gets too hot.

The lay of the land was not new to Scaurus, who had come the other way with Tahmasp on a route a little south of the one Arigh was taking.

Because of the unique lay of the land, especially after rain, people tended to approach Beata's post, her Dominie Dirtch, more often than others.

I could not understand what had so aroused his suspicion, unless it was something in the very lay of the land, but I trusted in that suspicion as our safeguard.

He'd have to be closer to make out items on which the last-minute details of his plan would depend, but for the moment his interest was in the lay of the land.

The lay of the land wasn't conducive to accurate underground mapping.

The only difference between those situations and this one was that in this one I had looked at the lay of the land and the forces of the enemy, and instead of considering the problem and working out how to beat the enemy—.

If I go in alone at first I can get the lay of the land without rousing too much suspicion.