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The Collaborative International Dictionary

latticed \latticed\ adj. having a lattice.

Syn: fretted, interlaced, latticelike.

  1. 1 Provided with latticework; having a pattern of fretwork. 2 Shaped or arranged like lattice. v

  2. (en-past of: lattice)


adj. having a pattern of fretwork or latticework [syn: fretted, interlaced, latticelike]

Usage examples of "latticed".

The true shape of the room, however, was not immediately apparent, because of the enormous latticed beams and girders which braced the walls in every direction.

The river and the trolley run side by side the whole charming way, and, as you near Elmira, you come upon latticed barns that waft you the fragrance of drying tobacco-leaves, suspended longitudinally for the wind to play through.

Then the walls stiffened, hardened even as her eyes had done, hemmed her in, coming closer and closer with the courtyards, the long dark passages, the little rooms with their latticed windows, the Twelfth Duke and the Fifth Duke, Aubrey Poole and Lucy Tourneur, the jesters, the pastry-cooks, and the boy whose tongue was cut out, dust rising on the deserted floors, tapestries tap-tapping against the cold stone of walls room-thick, the gay-nosed apothecary with his squint and love-philtre, and, last of all, the present Duchess with her train of sycophants.

In the middle of her white drawing-room, whose latticed window ran the whole length of one wall, stood a little table on which was a silver jar full of early larkspurs, evidently from her garden by the river.

Faces pale as moonflowers were pressed against the latticed windows of structures that seemed no larger than birdcages.

Every evening, as the sun sank and the alleys grew shadowy, a Greek with a large fez and jaunty boots walked back and forth, casting loving glances at the latticed balcony above.

So she spent the afternoon with a cart, hauling Aunt Sixs bedding and pots and bits and pieces from the pleasant rooms in Bridgers House to some equally pleasant ones on the far edge of Topbridge, about mid-chasm, from which the latticed windows looked out toward Harvesters bridge, a lumpy line against the bend of the chasm wall behind it.

Redcurrant tarts, bilberry scones, plumcakes, latticed apple pies, strawberry flans and damson puddings radiated out into patterns, dotted by bowls of nutcream, meadowcream, Abbeycream, rosecream and buttercup fondant.

Against the wall opposite the throne sat the half-blood Napan, Korbolo Dom, shaved hairless, his dusty blue skin latticed in scars.

There were quaintly turned estrades, pillared with slim and antic trees, latticed with the drolly peering faces of extravagant orchids, that led the seeker to hidden, surprising bowers of goblinry.

Vast freighters, under whose unimaginable mass the Gargantuanly braced and latticed and trussed docks yielded visibly and groaningly, crushed to a standstill and disgorged their varied cargoes.

We were held up for a time by a choked petrol feed and the first grey light of dawn was taking the brightness from the moon when a needle-tip of latticed steel showed above the grey whale-back of a dune.

They are in the form of an ordinary door, (a single, not a folding door) except that the upper half is latticed or worked in open trellis&mdash.

There was a small gazebo, the latticed walls laced with vines, and the walks around it had been landscaped with all sorts of fragrant night-blooming bushes.

A strange iridescent glow came in through the frayed curtains, a flickering yellow and orange light that formed eerie patterns on the wall like an old-time magic lantern show - latticed squares that expanded and contracted.