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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Latinity \La*tin"i*ty\, n. [L. latinitas: cf. F. latinit['e].] The Latin tongue, style, or idiom, or the use thereof; specifically, purity of Latin style or idiom. ``His ele?ant Latinity.''

Usage examples of "latinity".

Ciceronian, Latinity, which may be found, not in the Glossary of Ducange, but in the Thesaurus of Robert Stephens.

Indeed his rendering is so excellent an example of mediaeval learning and latinity that, even at the risk of sating the learned reader with too many antiquities, I have made up my mind to give it in fac-simile, together with an expanded version for the benefit of those who find the contractions troublesome.

The play was a satire on pedantry, and its complicated verbiage and intrusive Latinity would appeal to the sense of humor of the educated.

Both the elaborateness and the Latinity have tended to diminish the popularity of the play considerably in later times.

Or if to the respectable conclave above-stairs, who would have recoiled indignantly at the vulgar word "jobbing," had been hinted a phrase--which ran oddly in and out of the nooks of my brain, keeping time to the murmur in the street, "Vox populi, vox Dei"--truly, I should have got little credit for my Latinity.