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The Collaborative International Dictionary

lateen-rig \lateen-rig\ n. the rig on a sailing vessel with a lateen sail.


n. the rig on a lateen-rigged sailing vessel

Usage examples of "lateen-rig".

Its sole, sun-burned occupant tossed a rope around a post to secure his craft, then turned back to his lateen-rigged sail of coarse brown hemp, which he'd half-lowered as he'd coasted in.

Fore and aftmasts carried three courses of canvas compared to the Tang's two and that wasn't counting the square-rigged bowsprit and two lateen-rigged mizzens on the aftdeck.

What he saw was Silvia Lucetta Visconti with her halo of golden hair, lounging on a day bed on the poop royal of her great lateen-rigged trading galley.

It was a soft hail from the next boat down the dock, a lateen-rigged fishing craft even smaller and grubbier than the one the Celt was sharing with the Roman officers.

She was single-masted and lateen-rigged, and in calm weather could supplement her triangular mainsail with square staysails rigged from spars spread either side of her mast.