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latching on

vb. (present participle of latch on English)

Usage examples of "latching on".

Doing the last thing it would expect, she leapt in the air above the claws and landed nimbly on its broad back, strong toes latching on.

Turf went flying as the panther pivoted and leapt, hitting the rising giant on the head, latching on, biting, and raking.

So he bit the hand instead, latching on like an angry dog, gnashing his teeth, and crunching the brute's knuckles.

He understood: the creature had recognized the attacks and had reversed its gravity pull, probably latching on to the core of Sernpidal, and was now far, far below.

As the small craft rushed past, Han worked the controls and yanked out with the Millennium Falcon's tractor beam, latching on to the small superweapon.

He understood the creature had recognized the attacks and had reversed its gravity pull, probably latching on to the core of Sernpidal, and was now far, far below.