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n. (plural of latch English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: latch)

Usage examples of "latches".

When the breaker opens, electrical power to the electromagnets is shut off, the magnets lose their magnetism, and the latches of the rods open, .

From abovestairs, she could hear the muffled sounds of door latches clinking into place as her guests entered their respective bedchambers.

Burn was already up at the entry to the cabin, nosing the door, having gotten, over a lifetime, damned clever with latches and latch strings.

A loud series of clunks and bangs signaled that the hard-dock latches were withdrawn.

They had the latches closed, the headsets on and plugged in at the console.

Mogul Zodiac closed his latches with an exquisite fingertip, the drive started to rise.