vb. To grasp firmly; to become attached to.
Usage examples of "latch on".
The janitor's wife shuffled sullenly over toward the door and pressed a button releasing the latch on the entrance door.
Not to mention the toilets are backed up and the latch on the microwave oven is sprung.
Do you hear that, Sal, Lee Ann is going to go and put the latch on a cashier at the racetrack.
I hear the latch on the root cellar door thump and close my journal.
Then I would leave through the front door, putting the latch on lock.
But he was there when I asked you where the medical store was, and he no doubt nipped down smartly behind Henry and myself and loosened the latch on the hatch cover.
She tried to sit up, but he was loading a quarrel into his latch on her back.
Taut as the hair-trigger latch on a crossbow, he snatched his sword from the bedstead.
In Maxim's presence she bade the servant to put a latch on her side of the hidden door, appeasing her sense of outrage some small degree until she met the glowing green eyes.
I took out my knife and experimented, loudly, with the latch on her door.
Reaching up on her tiptoes, she worked the latch on the side door that led out onto the court.