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a. Applied to various kinds of fish characterized by a large mouth. n. A creature of this kind.


n. a large black bass; the angle of the jaw falls behind the eye [syn: largemouth bass, largemouthed bass, largemouth black bass, largemouthed black bass, Micropterus salmoides]


Usage examples of "largemouth".

I caught and released some largemouth bass and a batch of bluegills in the pond shortly after it was built.

Health agencies have warned anglers not to eat any largemouth bass or warmouth caught in Conservation Areas 2 and 3.

And although a fly rod could never provide the same hot blood rush as a rifle, Lighthorse Simmons grew to enjoy yanking feisty little bluegills and largemouth bass from the creek.

The idea that somebody had become homicidal over a largemouth bass was perversely appealing to Decker, and it made him want very much to get a picture of the guys who did it.

The lake was supposed to be full of largemouth bass and that was what he was after.

For now, mercury and all, there are plenty of lunker largemouth bass to be caught.

Ernie Bo is an internationally famous conqueror of largemouth bass.

The lake was stocked with largemouth bass and rarely fished, so it didn't take an old pro long to catch several five-to-ten-pound bass before noon.

Bream were still feeding on insects among the cattails and lily pads, and sometimes in a shady cut between two cypress trees I would see the back of a largemouth bass roll just under the surface.

Keyes pointed to a cluster of pockmarks high on the living-room wall, beneath a stuffed largemouth bass.

The generator is a sleek, heavy unit shaped like a largemouth bass, and it has a strong, three-point attachment that would be very useful.

Today an historical plaque commemorating this leviathan largemouth stands on Highway 117, near Lumber City, Georgia.

Unfortunately the ceramic fish was a striped marlin, not a largemouth bass, but no one at the funeral was rude enough to mention it.

He'd been trying to get interested in the wedgehead jigs in the Bass Pro Shops catalog, since according to the fine print below the picture they were supposed to be dynamite for walleyes and both largemouth and smallmouth bass, none of which he'd ever had any luck with.