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Landry may refer to:

Landry (surname)

Landry is a surname of French origin. Landry appears in the names of towns in France, Canada and the United States, as well as three canonized saints.

Usage examples of "landry".

IS1 'S^s- Dick Landry was in his late twenties, a slight, thin man A^with an alopecian head and long, graceful legs.

The car's unusual shape attracted curious attention when Landry passed through the small towns and hamlets of western Ohio, and he thought he should probably trade it in for less of a conversation piece when he took up residence in Spencerville.

Now, I think there was two of them, two guys, Landry and another guy, and they get into an argument about who's gonna fuck her first and all that, and one of them slam-dunks the other guy, then cuts out with the wife.

They took people from all over St Landry County, from Krotz Springs and Bayou Current and Ville Platte.

While Landries sipped hot black coffee, Goldman removed the membraneous tissue surrounding the object.

Finally Landries reached for the bottle, divided the remaining whiskey between his glass and Goldman's, and threw the empty bottle in the wastebasket.

Landry, taking her afternoon stroll down Harbor Lane with her miniature schnauzer, Pip.

He gave him the license plate number and added, Hey, let it go, Landry.