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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A thin ribbon that separates unparalleled views from unattainable wealth, the walk is a welcome balm to the landlocked masses.
▪ Bosnia is a landlocked area, shut off from the Adriatic by the parallel ranges of the Dinaric Alps.
▪ Summer comes early and is hot, but the humidity does not stifle vigorous activity, except in the landlocked plains.
▪ The main interest is centred on the splendid harbour, almost completely landlocked and providing excellent shelter.
▪ The young of this impoverished landlocked country see no future here.
▪ They move down the street like yachts: the landlocked sailors of the city.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Landlocked \Land"locked`\, a.

  1. Inclosed, or nearly inclosed, by land; having no border on the sea; as, a landlocked country.

  2. (Zo["o]l.) Confined to a fresh-water lake by reason of waterfalls or dams; -- said of fishes that would naturally seek the sea, after spawning; as, the landlocked salmon.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1620s, from land (n.) + past participle of lock (v.).


a. 1 (context of a country, geographical region, etc. English) surrounded by land (having no borders with the sea). 2 Living in freshwater, such as landlocked salmon.


adj. surrounded entirely or almost entirely by land; "a landlocked country"

Landlocked (novel)

Landlocked (1965) is the fourth novel in British Nobel Prize in Literature-winner Doris Lessing five volume, semi-autobiographical, series, Children of Violence. The first volume is Martha Quest (1952), and the others are, A Proper Marriage (1954), A Ripple from the Storm (1958), and The Four-Gated City (1969). The Children of Violence series, follows the life of protagonist Martha Quest from girlhood to middle age".

This is the last of the series that is set in southern Africa: "The time is the last few months of a war that had not only ruined Europe but had flooded a message of equality even into this backwater. Some of the white people have already sensed the imminence of change: they could never again unthinkingly hold down this corner of Africa for themselves and their heirs".

Usage examples of "landlocked".

This was the way to Gao and to Bamako, the capital of landlocked Mali.

He did not, however, fly as far southward as the railway line that linked the port of Beira to the landlocked Zimbabwean border.

Ford carefully explained to her the difference between slipping over the little waves of the landlocked bay, and plunging into the gigantic billows of the stormy Atlantic.

Armenia is a landlocked country, with Turks and Azerbaijanis almost completely surrounding you.

He calls it a real sea, as contradistinguished from the Mediterranean, which, as he says, is not a real sea (or ocean) but a landlocked body of water, like a harbor.

We'll have our cammies in one of the waterproof pouches in case we get landlocked.

She called up a display on the console and studied it as the car sped along the abbreviated length of dual carriageway leading out of Gaillimh Metro to the narrower road skirting the coast of the great landlocked sea.

But Mom still lives in Fort Worth, which just about says it all, considering that Fort Worth is about as landlocked a city as you can get.

He kept to himself, using his assistants to temper and bend us, coming down from the tower only to correct a correction, living alone in a small room off the isometrics areaa landlocked Ahab who paced and raged, who was unfolding his life toward a single moment.

However, it is a landlocked river, debauching first into the mis-named Okavango Swamps, a vast area of lucid lagoons and papyrus banks, studded with islets on which graceful ivory nut palms and great wild figs stand tall.

In the landlocked Mediterranean with its peninsulas and islands sea power could best confront land power.

When the tidal marshes drained again, it spent the other half of its day as a high and dry hill firmly joined to the mainland once more, but surrounded by treacherous bogs, pools of brackish water, and long, landlocked oxbow lakes where saltwater fish swam in surprised dismay to find themselves cut off from the sea, easy prey to the thousands of waterfowl and wading birds and canny swamp foxes living in the marshlands.

Sure as hell whoever designed it never expected some landlocked hillbilly to plunk down umpty-ump thousand dollars for it!

Despite the river Thuler's access to the sea, Esphania was a landlocked principality, so Jamas graciously allowed himself to be regaled with descriptions of the denizens of the deeps and the battles that could be waged between the fisher and the fished.

If you took a small Scottish fishing village of two hundred inhabitants in the remote Highlands, with one inn, three shops, a slip-way, and a small landlocked harbour: if you decided that it had to be turned into a naval training-base, and transported there everything necessary for its establishment - huts, storerooms, sleeping-quarters, gear and equipment of every sort: if you set up a signal tower and a radio station, laid a defence boom, deepened the harbour, and put down a line of mooring-buoys: if you drafted in a maintenance and training staff of seventy officers and men, and organized an additional floating population of two or three hundred sailors at a time from visiting ships - if you did all this, you got a certain result.