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Usage examples of "landbridge".

Henceforth this year would creep toward its low mark ever more slowly, pausing at the zero of solstice, obliquely peering through a certain slit at Stonehenge, and returning dumbly north, climbing the spine of the west, from the caude of Tierra del Fuego up the flex of Cordilleras, ending here, at what would be the nape of the Brooks range, the archaic brainstem of the planet, where, eons ago, a landbridge had offered passage to migrants from the east.

Dawn blazed over the horizon, the sun rising from behind Namarre and striking its rays across the Nenian Landbridge, across the wastelands, casting long shadows from the thousands of tents and pavilions, the makeshift Mooring Masts, the Windships riding at anchorfinally touching their golden tips to the face of the girl with blowing hair who now stood alone on the brow of the escarpment.

Legions of Erith and the Landbridge by forces of Unseelie, my only option is to skirt the bivouacs of the legions and cross the Gulf Perilous to Namarre by boat.

Eldaraigne will be crossing the Nenian Landbridge while Namarre holds that span.

To the east they soon would be ready to advance, challenging the wights holding the Landbridge in an effort to clear the way and march through into Namarre to put an end to the uprising.

Officially, the border between Eldaraigne and Namarre divided the Landbridge exactly in half.

Their numbers were small compared to the Legions of Erith encamped on the other side of the Landbridge, but on either flank of their bivouac, somehow blending with rock and bush, large numbers of other incarnations swelled the forces of Namarre and these glowed infragreen, like somber marsh-lights.

Early sunlight reached long wands across the Nenian Landbridge, stretching shadows from the long lines of horsemen who rode solemnly, nine abreast, into its oncoming radiance.

Flanked by standard-bearers, a trumpeter, the Dainnan, the Legions of Eldaraigne and battalions from the armies of every country in Erith with their banners and gonfalons, the gay pennons unfolding their points along the breeze, this sovereign of a lost Realm looked toward the wide lands opening out from the Landbridge and advanced steadily into Namarre.

Through Namarre they passed, across the Nenian Landbridge and into Eldaraigne.

Nenian Landbridge joining Eldaraigne with Namarrecreatures that, when crossing the Caermelor Road, worked wickedness upon any travelers they encountered.

There were far fewer people on both the island and the landbridge than there had been an hour before, and those few were all drifting along in the same direction, heading for home.

Gibralter landbridge the dinosaurs used, many millions of years earlier .

Only a greenish corpse-candle faltered along the marshy places of the Landbridge.