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land bridges

n. (land bridge English)

Usage examples of "land bridges".

The anteater was a descendant of South American stock, which had wandered here over temporary land bridges many generations before.

Until the principle of continental drift, or plate tectonics, was established and proved, one widely held explanation for the similarity of terrestrial life-forms on what today are distant continents was that animals had migrated over incredibly long land bridges.

Plesi's offspring had wandered the planet, using land bridges, islands, and rafts to cross from one island continent to another.

McCann's America must once have been linked to Eurasia by land bridges, as ours was, for otherwise the Hams presumably couldn't have reached it.

But when the land bridges were submerged, the Americas were effectively cut off&mdash.

But when the land bridges were submerged, the Americas were effectively cut off -- until iron-hulled ships and aeroplanes emerged, in the equivalent of our own twentieth century.

The western portion, again following the general pattern of north-south shock lines imparted by Athena, was swinging northwest into the Indonesian region to produce an incredible tangle of islands, lakes, land bridges, and channels, while the eastern part seemed to be merging into an area of new southwest Pacific uplift that embraced most of the former island groups and New Zealand.

Falling sea levels opened up land bridges between previously isolated continents.