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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Lancination \Lan`ci*na"tion\, n. A tearing; laceration. ``Lancinations of the spirit.''
--Jer. Taylor.


n. A tear or laceration.

Usage examples of "lancination".

Dribeck wiped the stinging blood from his eyes, dully waited for the first searing lancination of the Rillyti venom to creep through his limbs.

Intolerable lancination shuddered through him, and he clung to the projections of the dais to keep from slumping to the floor.

Pressing aside her head, he stared down dumbly at the pinprick lancinations on her neck, the ribbon of tacky blood that twisted downward from them.

Lancinations of unendurable ecstasy ravened through his consciousness, starbursts of warring sensory impulses that slipped once more to coherent phenomena, an instant before his mind shattered to follow into final chaos.