n. a glass flue surrounding the wick of an oil lamp [syn: chimney]
Usage examples of "lamp chimney".
Replacing the lamp chimney, Tommy let his pupils contract to accommodate the illumination, feeble though it was.
He positioned his fist over the lamp chimney, then released his captives carefully within the glass.
When she finished with the broom she usurped a rag to clean the lamp chimney—.
Ysidro thrust one of them down into the lamp chimney to touch the flame, then went around the room, lighting the others, until the whole place blazed with a quivering roseate glow unlike the soft steadiness of gaslight.
In a kindling drawer near the stove, Asher found a piece of candle, angled it down the lamp chimney to get a flame, and bore it through the door that gave into the front part of the house.
He lifted the lamp chimney and touched the match to the wick before the flame got to his fingertips.
Then a shot smashed the lamp chimney to bits and he heard the crack of the shot mingling with the tinkle of falling glass.
That night Seth dropped the lamp chimney and it smashed to smithereens.