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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Lamasery \La"ma*ser*y\, n. [See 2d Lama.] A monastery or convent of lamas, in Tibet, Mongolia, etc.


n. A monastery for lamas in Tibet and Mongolia.


n. a monastery for lamas

Usage examples of "lamasery".

Professor Hans Mengel had dropped serenely and sardonically out of the nowhere, atop a shaggy Bactrian camel, and, within a day of his arrival, had struck up an incongruous friendship with the abbots and monks of the Buddhist lamasery that squatted on the hogback, porphyry hill above the flat, drab city of Urga, the capital of Outer Mongolia, with all the distressing weight of ancient thaumaturgical hypocrisy and bigotry.

They were all hurrying up the steep, slippery incline that led to the lamasery, and he knew what their hurry portended.

They must reach the council hall of the lamasery as quickly as possible before the half-hour during which the spirit of Subhuti was permitted to roam in the outer ether was over, and muster there a sufficient number of priests to decide who should be the next chief abbot--yellow cap or red cap.

Then he stepped squarely beneath the marble gate through which all priests who wished to go to the lamasery had to pass.

You hear the one about this traveling salesgirl, she stops at a lamasery to sell blankets?

Figuratively I lived in a lamasery in Tibet, being guided through the mysteries of the highest level of death.

He pointed to the elderly lama as he went on: This is Brodier Bayen, from die great lamasery of Lhasa.

The holy lamasery had been forcibly converted into a makeshift laboratory.

Years later, a monk from Tibet saw it in the museum and, on returning to his lamasery, made a statue of it in porcelain and set it out to decorate the yard.

A mile or so from the lamasery, they were going up a narrow, steep hill-trail with one pack-mule.

It was too much to hope that he might be reborn as a healthy son of a wealthy family, or even as a younger son dedicated by his family to a wealthy lamasery, with sufficient endowment to pursue a life of contemplation.

See when the Chinese invaded Tibet they closed down all the lamaseries, destroyed most of them in fact.

Harvard reminded him of what he had read of the ancient lamaseries of Tibet.

Once the Guild had given steady birth to a marmoreal populace which took up residence in the gardens and grottos of the rich, the lamaseries and monkeries of the hills, the municipal prayer booths and public parks.

There were several lamaseries on the Wutai Mountains and hundreds of lamas.