Lalpet லால்பேட்டை is a Large Panchayat Town in Cuddalore District,Indian State of Tamil Nadu. Lalpet is situated in a lush green surrounding with water bodies. It has a rich cultural heritage and a perfect example of unity in diversity. Lalpet was named after an Arab Lal Khan who held an administrative position under the ruling Prince Nawab of Arcot. Under the command of the prince, Lal Khan developed this town in 1775 for Arab Traders, Muslims, international visitors and people of other faith to dwell together peacefully. Arabic college named "Jamia Manba'ul Anwar" was established here in 1862. Lalpet is a commune. Lalpet Commune consists of 1 Census Town and 8 Panchayat Villages. The town extends over an area of 16.425 km2