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a. facing or leading toward a lake adv. toward a lake

Usage examples of "lakeward".

A continuous cordon of jovial but overworked policemen, including some from Italy, France and Germany since the numbers of the tiny Swiss force were simply not up to the task, maintained a clear zone two hundred meters wide between the rapidly growing crowd and the perimeter fence, while on the lakeward side a flotilla of police launches scurried to and fro to keep at bay an armada of boats, yachts and craft of every description.

The sun climbed arrogantly up to his place above all other things, and as Hagadorn took off his skates and glanced carelessly lakeward, he beheld a great wind-rift in the ice, and the waves showing blue and hungry between white fields.

He worked with the motors until the nose of the craft was turned lakeward, so that it was ready to get away in a hurry.

The jet ballooned, probably only a few millimeters, but failed to touch again until it was halfway down the lakeward side.

Muttering every curse she could remember from her months on the road, she worked her way lakeward, along the wall.

But I have one more question: If we blow the lakeward gates in the upper chamber, what happens if it just fills up the lock and the next gates hold.

If the lakeward gates at the top are taken out suddenly, the force of the water crashing into the chamber will flatten the next gates.