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n. (plural of lakebed English)

Usage examples of "lakebeds".

But long before the codebreakers moved into the sterile supercomputer laboratories, clean rooms, and anechoic chambers, their hunt for the solution to that ultimate puzzle took them to dark lakebeds and through muddy swamps in the early light of the new Cold War.

Single-passenger cars whistled in from the outlying areas, and cargo haulers trundled along the rails delivering supplies and resources: sweet-smelling pine lumber from Toth Holding, fish and kelp and bricks from Sardili Shores, salt and processed chemicals from the dry lakebeds of Dokken Holding.

For the next three months, you are all assigned to hard labor at the dry lakebeds, strip-mining salt and processing nitrates.

Veritas precursor is a hardy little bug that thrives in the drying alkaline lakebeds downstairs.