Crossword clues for laid low
adj. put out of action (by illness) [syn: laid low(p), stricken]
Laid Low is the second extended play from Everything in Slow Motion. Facedown Records released the EP on April 22, 2016.
Usage examples of "laid low".
Pel Blagden is laid low, but forget not that the Stone has spoken of worse to come.
And since then many other kings and kesars have been laid low, who lorded it over mighty nations.
That was an honor she wouldn't slight by snapping at him when he was laid low.
Do you know what it is to be laid low this way and have a brood of hens clucking about you?
It was not the first enemy I had laid low, but this was one of my own race, and I found myself hoping he was not dead, though he so richly deserved to die.
The greater part of them has fierce Mars laid low, and Hector, him who was alone left, him who was the guardian of the city and ourselves, him have you lately slain.
He couldn't remember any occasion since her childhood when Annis had contracted anything more serious than a slight cold in the head, and it seemed to him that if she could fall ill there was no saying when his Amabel would also be laid low.
Mrs Dauntry, laid low by this malady, suffered an attack compared with which all other persons’.
The French knight then called upon the Damsel Sebylle to come forth from her hiding and greatly did she rejoice at the sight other captor so brought to naught and laid low.
Their corpses were twitching close to the threshold, not struck by the blast, she thought, but laid low by their summoner's decline.
And yet, though, weighed down and overwhelmed with so many misfortunes, they had watched everything laid low in flame and ruin, they did not for a moment relax their determination to defend by their courage the one spot still left to freedom, the hill which they held, however small and poor it might be.
She drew her longsword and cut at them, but for every one she laid low, two sprang up to replace him.