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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Lagorchestes Leporoides

Hare \Hare\, n. [AS. hara; akin to D. haas, G. hase, OHG. haso, Dan. & Sw. hare, Icel. h[=e]ri, Skr. [,c]a[,c]a. [root]226.]

  1. (Zo["o]l.) A rodent of the genus Lepus, having long hind legs, a short tail, and a divided upper lip. It is a timid animal, moves swiftly by leaps, and is remarkable for its fecundity.

    Note: The species of hares are numerous. The common European hare is Lepus timidus. The northern or varying hare of America ( Lepus Americanus), and the prairie hare ( Lepus campestris), turn white in winter. In America, the various species of hares are commonly called rabbits.

  2. (Astron.) A small constellation situated south of and under the foot of Orion; Lepus.

    Hare and hounds, a game played by men and boys, two, called hares, having a few minutes' start, and scattering bits of paper to indicate their course, being chased by the others, called the hounds, through a wide circuit.

    Hare kangaroo (Zo["o]l.), a small Australian kangaroo ( Lagorchestes Leporoides), resembling the hare in size and color,

    Hare's lettuce (Bot.), a plant of the genus Sonchus, or sow thistle; -- so called because hares are said to eat it when fainting with heat.
    --Dr. Prior.

    Jumping hare. (Zo["o]l.) See under Jumping.

    Little chief hare, or Crying hare. (Zo["o]l.) See Chief hare.

    Sea hare. (Zo["o]l.) See Aplysia.