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lady's slipper
The Collaborative International Dictionary
lady's slipper

Impatiens \Im*pa"ti*ens\ ([i^]m*p[=a]"sh[i^]*[e^]nz), prop. n. [L., impatient.] (Bot.) A genus of plants, several species of which have very beautiful flowers; -- so called because the elastic capsules burst when touched, and scatter the seeds with considerable force. Called also touch-me-not, jewelweed, and snapweed. Impatiens Balsamina (sometimes called lady's slipper) is the common garden balsam.

lady's slipper

n. A kind of orchid in the subfamily ''(taxlink Cypripedioideae subfamily noshow=1)'' distinguished by their slipper-shaped pouches which trap insects to improve pollination rates.

lady's slipper

n. any of several chiefly American wildflowers having an inflated pouchlike lip; difficult or impossible to cultivate in the garden [syn: lady-slipper, ladies' slipper, slipper orchid]

Usage examples of "lady's slipper".

There was another patch of dead grass there, and the lady's slipper was all brown and curled in on itself, as if a blast of heat had charred it.

In all defiance of the early spring chill, a riot of flowers bloomed: spikenard and foxglove, azalea, Lady's slipper and Love-Not-Lost, orchids and phlox, lavender and roses.

The table was decorated with candles, sprigs of ivy, and fronds of lady's slipper.

His words were abruptly silenced by a sudden, sharp nudge against his shin, the sort a lady's slipper would deliver with the force of a quick kick.

Recently I have run across several references to the nineteenth century custom of drinking champagne out of a lady's slipper, upon occasions of merrymaking.