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n. (plural of lacquey English)

Usage examples of "lacqueys".

I entered an enormous ante-room in which stood officers, footmen, pages, and lacqueys, all gazing at me with the greatest astonishment.

Madame was lifted up in her chair by the lacqueys, and I preceded her up the grand staircase.

Into the midst of this assembly the lacqueys conveyed Madame in her chair, and set her down within three paces of the General!

At once, both in the person of the commissionaire and in the persons of the footmen, there sprang to life the same reverence as had arisen in the lacqueys of the hotel.

Around him lacqueys fussed--placing chairs just behind where he was standing-- and clearing the spectators from his vicinity, so that he should have more room, and not be crowded--the whole done, of course, in expectation of a generous largesse.

My lacqueys flitted about him buzzing and insistent as bees about a rose.

I travelled in a coach, attended by two lacqueys and a score of men-at-arms in my own livery, all commanded by Ganymede.

Leaning heavily upon the arm of one of the lacqueys, the Chevalier moved painfully towards the courtyard, where the carriage was being prepared for him.

I gave orders thereafter for the disposal of my baggage, some of which my lacqueys brought up to the chamber that the landlord had in haste made ready for me.

Behind them on the steps I caught sight of a group of domestics, old Anatole standing slightly in advance of his fellows, and wondering, no doubt, whether this were, indeed, the bedraggled Lesperon of a little while ago - for if I had thought of pomp in the display of my lacqueys, no less had I considered it in the decking of my own person.

The light glared on her--the faces of the lacqueys betokened their undisguised astonishment.