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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
lack charm/be lacking in charm
▪ A lot of new buildings lack charm.
lack/be lacking in confidence
▪ She lacked the confidence to talk to people.
lack/be lacking in credibility
▪ The new regime lacked credibility from the start.
sorely lacking
▪ Courage is a quality that is sorely lacking in world leaders today.
▪ Nagel identifies four classes of situation in which the agent might plausibly be regarded as lacking control.
▪ Tests which are not based upon adequate linguistic descriptions must be regarded as lacking in construct validity.
▪ No longer did he see them as lacking in intelligence.
▪ But I feel terribly tired and completely lacking in self-confidence.
▪ Even basic necessities, such as pencils and paper, were often completely lacking.
▪ Yet neither was completely lacking in political sense.
▪ On the other hand, while the Web may be vibrant and fresh, it is also completely lacking in quality control.
▪ Information on a teacher's classroom ability is almost entirely lacking.
▪ Refined white sugar is also entirely lacking in nutrients and adds nothing to our diet. 6.
▪ A cooling-off period does not guarantee success, but it offers a degree of public protection which at present is entirely lacking.
▪ This does not mean that they were entirely lacking, as will be seen later.
▪ Classes or discussion groups on women's writing command an enthusiastic response that is often lacking in mainstream teaching.
▪ Their regime will embrace education and training but also provide the affection often lacking in offenders' homes.
▪ Sadly, space is often lacking for the ideal secret garden.
▪ Prejudice is by definition a strongly held view, often lacking flexibility.
▪ This should be a feature of all powerful machines, but is often lacking.
▪ Adequate resources and funding, both sadly lacking at present, are also vital.
▪ What is sadly lacking is the will to express such views and to act on them.
▪ It turns itself off if you leave it untouched for five minutes, a feature sadly lacking on the GameBoy.
▪ Your sister Alice was sadly lacking in that respect.
▪ As a lover he is sadly lacking, señorita.
▪ Again the evidence is sadly lacking, not only for the centres but also for the estates themselves.
▪ Their kind was sadly lacking in Nikol'skaia volost' in 1922.
▪ But one thing I do find sadly lacking is a middle-of-the-range clothes shop.
▪ They may be so lacking in confidence that they avoid playing with boys and girls their own age.
▪ He is a television journalist, recently divorced, intelligent, good with women, somewhat lacking in confidence.
▪ All lively stuff, like day one, if somewhat lacking in bottom.
▪ Are you quite mad, as well as totally lacking in any of the trappings of civilised society?
▪ The bottom of the pyramid is chaotic and almost totally lacking in infrastructure.
▪ Moreover, any growth in numbers was often much less apparent, sometimes totally lacking, in the smaller states.
▪ Henry Livings describes the character of Valentine Brose as' pale and totally lacking in human fire.
▪ To prove I wasn't totally lacking in appeal, I suppose.
▪ Porter said his golf game is definitely lacking.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Lack \Lack\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Lacked (l[a^]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. Lacking.]

  1. To blame; to find fault with. [Obs.]

    Love them and lakke them not.
    --Piers Plowman.

  2. To be without or destitute of; to want; to need.

    If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God.
    --James i. 5.


n. The absence of something; a lack. vb. (present participle of lack English)

  1. adj. not existing; "innovation has been sadly lacking"; "character development is missing from the book" [syn: lacking(p), missing, nonexistent, wanting(a)]

  2. inadequate in amount or degree; "a deficient education"; "deficient in common sense"; "lacking in stamina"; "tested and found wanting" [syn: deficient, lacking(p), wanting(p)]

Usage examples of "lacking".

The grand houses and hospitality were such as Adams had never known, even if, as a self-respecting New Englander, he thought New Yorkers lacking in decorum.

As for Captain Tucker, Adams considered him able and attentive, though, to judge by the few books in his cabin, no doubt lacking in erudition.

I shall exercise my skill in dentistry for trifling rewards, and you, my young Aesculapius, will prove to others, as you have already proved to me, that the strong wrist and willing arm are not lacking among your personal endowments.

Mary waited in the middle of the track, her nerves ajingle with the suddenness of the approach, and presently the horse appeared out of the mist in front of her, a rider on his back, the pair of ghostly figures lacking reality in the dim light.

Wherever the Mafia had grown and prospered since Prohibition, these other savages were there as well, ever clinging to the shadows as the more flamboyant amici filled headlines and mortuaries, lending their advice and financial acumen where it was lacking in their Mafia comrades, Siegel, Buchalter, Cohen, Lansky.

Lacking the same antinoise features herself, she had to agree to be snap-frozen to a few Kelvin, three minutes before each run.

I believe Arabella to be a well-behaved girl enough, but she is very young, after all, and I have thought sometimes that her spirits might, lacking wiser guidance, betray her into unbecoming conduct.

The Llano complex, in turn, is lumped into a large group of archeological remains that also includes younger artifact assemblages characterized by projectile points similar in form but lacking the diagnostic flutes.

Jones has suggested that it is heat that is lacking and has advanced the idea that even though the trees are hardy to winter cold they have not sufficient summer heat at Aspers to enable them to mature their crops.

Lacking a traditional organized crime network, it had become the battleground of a drug war among competing groups: Jamaicans, Haitians, New York elements, and home-grown Washingtonians competing for the lucrative trade to service the insatiable demand of the Beltway professionals.

As with jumbo conversation hearts, the larger size gave the candies a tenderness that was lacking in the taut, small version.

A lot of fine, churchgoing people had made judgments and found him lacking just because of what his mother had done for a living.

William, prince of Orange, lacking the brilliant qualities of Egmont, far surpassed him in acumen and in strength of character.

Being is insufficient, if happiness demands fulness of life, and exists, therefore, where nothing is lacking of all that belongs to the idea of life, then happiness can exist only in a being that lives fully.

The naive frankness of the age, both when it gloried in the flesh and when it reproved sin, gives a full-blooded complexion to that time that is lacking now.