Usage examples of "lachryma".
Tortoni asked Pia if she would bring him two glasses and his bottle of Lachryma Christi, the sweet yellow wine he drank after Mass every Sunday.
I met a large party at his house the other day, and beheld dory and surmullet, champagne and lachryma Christi, amid all the glory of the Whitford plate .
The rogue did nothing but eat maccaroni, and swallow the lachryma christi, which the Dalmatian count had on freight.
Calabria, who oftentimes brings into the port excellent liquors of his country, and who would pass a cask of the red lachryma christi through the Broglio itself, and not a noble of them all should see it.
I have sent a dozen casks of lachryma christi up the canals since the masquers came abroad, and beyond that I have not occasion.
I knew her at a glance for the daughter of a wine-seller, who had already tasted lachryma christi of mine.
Directly across the narrow street, nudged between the encroachments of much newer buildings, an anachronism from the Second Age of Faith, it was the Basilica of Lachryma Christi.
We stopped off in New York for the night, before hopping on up to Boston (some time Ill tell you about that two days in Worcester, with the Tigers mother packing us a box-lunch for the Dartmouth-Harvard game that consisted of Lachryma Christi, individual guinea hens and hot clam chowder.
We ate some rolls we had brought in our pockets, and some of the party tried a bottle of the wine that one of the cormorants had brought up, but found it anything but the Lachryma Christi it was named.
Tortoni asked Pia if she would bring him two glasses and his bottle of Lachryma Christi, the sweet yellow wine he drank after Mass every Sunday.
She is too busy overseeing relief work on Lachrymae Christi to speak to us in person, but she recorded this message for us earlier.
The rain had started falling on the world known as Lachrymae Christi several million years earlier, and showed no signs of letting up.
Both ships plunged down through Lachrymae Christi's atmosphere at dangerously high speeds, ignoring the violent weather systems that heaved and crackled around them.
He raised the subject with Oz, who responded with a running commentary on what was known of Lachrymae Christi's plant life.
So as soon as the new Church was up and running, she renounced her leadership and went to Lachrymae Christi to minister to the lepers, who needed her more than anyone elseāand perhaps because it was possibly the only place the media wouldn't follow her.