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n. (plural of laborer English)

Usage examples of "laborers".

After all, the Tods were in real contact with the laborers, and that was the great thing.

Otis, Samuel Adams, Royall lyler, Oxenbridge Thacher, and a host of other Bnstonians, linked to the artisans and laborers through a network of neighborhood taverns, fire companies, and the Caucus, espoused a vision of politics diat gave credence to laboring-class views and regarded as entirely legitimate the participation of artisans and even laborers in die political process.

Negro farm laborers in the South was about fifty cents a day, Fortune said.

He attracted fanners, mechanics, laborers, professionals and even businessmen.

In 1878, the SS Metropolis, filled with laborers, left the United States for South America and sank with all aboard.

Something like a general strike was developing in Pittsburgh: mill workers, car workers, miners, laborers, and the employees at the Carnegie steel plant.

The following year, in the fall, close to ten thousand sugar laborers went on strike, 90 percent of them Negroes and members of the Knights.

South, too, organizing took place, often stimulated by Communists, but nourished by the grievances of poor whites and blacks who were tenant farmers or farm laborers, always in economic difficulties but hit even harder by the Depression.

Then came two laborers, on their way to a job, a stone-breaker, and two more women.

What happens to hundreds of laborers all over the country who venture to differ in politics, religion, or morals from those who own them?

It was a discovery of the first value as a topic for her dinnertable--seeming to solve the whole vexed problem of the laborers almost at one stroke.

But we might try to get those two to see that anything the poor devils of laborers do is bound to recoil on themselves, fourfold.

He had suspected nothing--utterly unlike the laborers as he knew them.

Much thought, and interviews with several of the farmers, who all but one--a shaky fellow at best--were for giving the laborers a sharp lesson, occupied the interval.

The economic condition of the laborers on this estate is admittedly rather above than below the average.