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labor contract

n. contract between labor and management government wages and benefits and working conditions [syn: labor agreement, collective agreement]

Usage examples of "labor contract".

And no labor contract was ever signed without the precedent he'd fought for in the company's first expansion in New Haven-the productivity clause that locked in wages with the end result of assembly-line statistics.

I vowed to drop by and see if the fellow still had a labor contract there.

She cut the story of Demeter and the labor contract to its bare bones as she told it.

He must certainly free Gregor from his slave labor contract as soon as possible after their arrival at Aslund Station.

It was the labor contract which Les Six had negotiated for him in Magrit's house, after the full extent of Shelyid's position had become clear.

With Earth so crowded, a man with a big family can easily reach the point where emigration to Venus looks like the best way out of an impossible situation, so he signs a labor contract and Venus Corporation pays for their tickets as an advance against his wages.

Timblay would have tied you into a manual labor contract for the circus section if he could.