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Crossword clues for lab coat

lab coat

alt. A white coat worn by laboratory workers to protect day clothes from damage by spillage etc. n. A white coat worn by laboratory workers to protect day clothes from damage by spillage etc.

lab coat

n. a light coat worn to protect clothing from substances used while working in a laboratory [syn: laboratory coat]

Usage examples of "lab coat".

No reason for Kurt to have his butt kicked by Alona, for Denny to land on Tom after tripping over the Lab Coat Man, for Ritchie to sock the Manager in the jaw, or for a thick gray mist to begin sweeping across the lobby floor?

He had taken off the lab coat that his two visitors had found him in, and sat looking relaxed and casual in a sky-blue shirt and tan slacks as he regarded them over his desk.

Cathy was wearing her lab coat, too, but in her case it was over a normal dress.

Giving up on any attempt at further work, Kevin peeled off his white lab coat and draped it over his chair.

Walt stood in the corridor, towering over a young doctor in surgical greens and a white lab coat.