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L-Photo-Leucine is a synthetic derivative of the L-Leucine amino acid that is used as its natural analog and is characterized for having photo-reactivity, which makes it suitable for observing and characterizing protein-protein interactions (PPI). When a protein containing this amino acid (A) is lightened with ultraviolet light while interacting with another protein (B), the complex formed from these two proteins (AB) remains attached and can be isolated for its study.

Photo Leucine, as well as another photo-reactive amino acid derived from Methionine, Photo-Methionine, were first synthesized in 2005 by Monika Suchanek, Anna Radzikoska and Christoph Thiele from the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics with the objective of identifying protein to protein interaction throughout a simple western blot test that would provide high specificity.

The resemblance of the photo-reactive amino acids to the natural ones allows the former ones to avoid the extensive control mechanisms that take place during the protein synthesis within the cell.