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Kyung-hwan, also spelled Kyoung-hwan or Kyung-hwan, is a Korean masculine given name. Its meaning differs based on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name. There are 54 hanja with the reading " kyung" and 21 hanja with the reading " hwan" on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be registered for use in given names.

People with this name include:

  • Choi Kyoung-hwan (born 1955), South Korean politician
  • Park Kyung-hwan (born 1976), South Korean footballer
  • Heo Kyung-hwan (born 1981), South Korean comedian
  • Joe Kyong-fan (born 1982), South Korean swimmer
  • Lee Kyung-hwan (1988–2012), South Korean footballer
  • Pyon Kyong-hwan, North Korean politician elected in the North Korean parliamentary election, 2014
  • Jeong Gyeong-hwan, screen name MaRin, South Korean League of Legends player