Kyoko is a 1995 novel by Ryu Murakami. The book tells the story of a young woman who comes to New York City to find the Cuban-American GI who taught her to dance salsa. She ends up traveling throughout the United States to help her friend, who is dying of AIDS, see his family one last time, although he doesn't even remember her.
In the year 2000, a movie was made from the story of this book, under the name Kyoko or, in English, Because of You, written and directed by the author, Ryu Murakami.
is a very common feminine Japanese given name. Not to be confused with Kiyoko.
Kyoko (or Kyouko or Kyōko) may refer to:
- People with the given name, Kyoko, a very common woman's name in Japan.
- Kyoko (novel), a 1995 novel by Ryu Murakami
- Kyoko (film), a 2000 film, written and directed by Ryu Murakami, based on Murakami's 1995 novel of the same name.
- 35441 Kyoko, a Main-belt Asteroid discovered in 1998
- Kyoko, musical project of Beatnik Filmstars singer Andrew Jarrett
Kyoko (aka Because of You, aka Dance With Me) is a 2000 film, written and directed by Ryu Murakami and based on Murakami's 1995 novel of the same name. The story concerns a Japanese woman who travels to the US to find the Cuban-American GI that taught her Latin dance when she was a child.