Kushinagar, Kusinagar or Kusinara is a town and a Nagar Panchayat in the Kushinagar district of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh located around NH-28, and is 52 km east of Gorakhpur city. The Government of Uttar Pradesh has proposed Kushinagar- Sarnath Buddha Expressway to connect Buddhist pilgrimage towns. The expressway will be around 200 km long and wil reduce the distance from both town from Seven hours to one and half hours. The expressway will also promote easy accessibility from other East UP towns to proposed AIIMS near Gorakhpur. It is an important Buddhist pilgrimage site, where Buddhists believe Gautama Buddha attained Parinirvana after his death. Outside India, it is an International Buddhist Pilgrimage Centre. The followers of Buddhism, especially from Asian countries, wish to visit this place at least once in their lifetime.