Kurthuwa is a village panchayat located in the Azamgarh district of Uttar-Pradesh state, India. The Tehsil for this panchayat is Phulpur. Situated at the latitude 25.8673575 and longitude 82.8007666999999. Lucknow is the state capital for Kurthuwa village. It is located around 233.2 kilometer away from Kurthuwa.
The other nearest state capital from Kurthuwa is Patna and its distance is 127.1 KM. The other surrouning state capitals are Patna 234.9 KM., Ranchi 378.3 KM., Gangtok 600.3 KM.
Kurthuwa is surrounded by Mirzapur Tehsil towards East , Dharma Pur Tehsil towards South , Thekma Tehsil towards East , Karanja Kala Tehsil towards west.