is a 1968 black-and-white Japanese horror film, directed by Kaneto Shindo, and an adaptation of a supernatural folktale. Set during a civil war in Japan's Heian period, the spirits of a woman and her daughter-in-law seek revenge after losing their lives to a brutal incident.
Kuroneko (singer)
(born in Osaka, Japan) is the lead singer of the Japanese heavy metal band, Onmyo-Za.
After being part of some local bands, she and Matatabi, who is the leader and the main songwriter, formed Onmyo-za in Osaka in 1999. "Kuroneko" means a black cat and she had used that stagename before Onmyo-Za started. The other members of Onmyo-Za also use stagenames related to cats.
Kuroneko (disambiguation)
literally means black cat in Japanese, and may refer to:
- Kuroneko, a 1968 Japanese horror film.
- Kuroneko (singer), a singer in Onmyo-Za
- Kuroneko-sama, a character from Trigun
- Ruri GokÅ, a character from the light novel, manga, and anime series Oreimo
- Kuroneko (wrestler), a Japanese professional wrestler